About G4WLI 1111
Peter Nutt, Manchester, England. QRA: IO83VN
The callsign G4WLI was first held by my father George, issued around 1984, his previous callsign was G8KMN issue around 1975. He was active, initially on 70cm, 2m SSB/FM and later the HF bands up to May 2006 when he became silent key.
Where upon I inherited his callsign, with a view to keep it in the family, my original callsign being G8IKW, issued in 1973.
My main activity is on UHF, VHF, 10m, 60m & Fusion Wires X via GB7WM, or my gateway MB6ILI.
But use the HF bands on occasion, largely mobile activity.
Radios in use
Main station radios FT991a, IC7300 and IC-9100
Mobile radio FTM 100, FT891 + ATAS
Handies FT1D, FT3D, Retevis (DMR) and the ubiquitous Baofeng
I am a member of West Manchester Radio Club (wmrc.co.uk) and the keeper of GB7WM Fusion repeater.
Main station HF antenna is currently a Cushcraft MA5B beam, T2FD (90' folded dipole), a Diamond V2000 for 6/2/70 and a Sirio vertical for 4m
For field work I have a Clansman 320 (HF bands) and Clansman 351 (6 & 4 meters) and an FT-897 for those not so vintage days. Also a period PRC 77 in my Willys jeep (right).
Favourite bands are:
5 Mhz (60m) nice and peaceful NVIS operating achievable most days.
28Mhz (10m) although only occasionally open, offers worldwide contacts via F2 layer propagation and annual sporadic E openings to Europe.
50Mhz (6m) can spring a surprise, often called the' Magic band' as anything can happen given time. Auroral contacts can be fun on this band.
I used to like 144Mhz (2m) SSB but this activity has sadly declined over the years.
The majority of activity is 2m/70cm from the car, as this is where I seem to spend a lot of the working day.
Not a big fan of 'on screen' digital modes, I also have an occasional dabble and currently have a DV mega for easy reflector connections.
I rarely send out QSL cards, but can be contacted by email (below)

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